বুধবার, ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Legallybetter.co.uk prediction ? damage limitation required for the ...

This press release is presented on behalf of LegallyBetter ? ?the interactive solicitor directory and client feedback service co-founded by the Fedora Consultancy and IRN Research, both founder members of Corelegal.

A new briefing document for smaller law firms published by Legally Better Ltd takes an in-depth look at how the collective reputation and solicitor ?brand? has become increasingly tarnished.?There is a specific focus on smaller personal injury law firms, how they lost the Jackson reforms regulatory battle to the insurance industry and what high street law firms can do to address the situation many now find themselves in.

Of interest to Practice Managers, COLPs/COFAs, Partners and management teams?at smaller law firms the subject is looked at in the context of other ?pillars of society?. Over the last 12 months a number of professions and institutions ? including the BBC, the Church, several Police forces and MPs ? did little to enhance their own respective collective reputations.

There are insights from an experienced personal injury lawyer?and a marketing expert specialising in advising smaller law firms. This includes advice on business development strategies to be considered as a result of the regulatory changes affecting the personal injury sector that are set to benefit the insurance industry but not necessarily the consumer when it comes to access to justice.

Commenting on the briefing document, Jon Hepburn, Managing Director of Legally Better Ltd?said,??For smaller law firms is it every man for themselves as the new competition and new regulations come into effect? The time for collective action to significantly influence the proposed regulations regarding accident claim litigation has now probably passed and many law firms? future could be out of their hands.?

Jon went on to say??We have taken a neutral approach to the issues behind and history surrounding how law firms have arrived at the current situation and have identified specific opportunities and practical ideas that smaller law firms can adopt. The document draws comparisons with other industry sectors and provides useful insights to identify the reasons why this happens, who is responsible and why we should care.?


Highlights of the briefing document include:

  • Reputation issues?that are currently affecting many institutions, organisations and individuals ? including solicitors.
  • The?nature/perceived outcomes of an occupation?affects a consumer?s perceptions of value.
  • A?short history of the changes to the personal injury market?? to put the current situation in context.
  • Shifting consumer attitudes, the power of the internet and impact of social media.
  • The public?s lack of awareness of forthcoming changes in access to justice?for PI claims. Will they be prepared to pay for legal advice for their accident claim? Are they aware of the influence the insurance industry has?
  • Recognition that something needed to change?to address the ?compensation culture? but the proposed changes are perceived as unrealistic by accident claim solicitors.
  • The necessity of?cherry picking of the ?best? cases by insurers and solicitors?alike will reduce access to justice for some sections of soclety.
  • A potential?increase in professional negligence claims against solicitors.
  • Observations as?to how high street personal injury law firms can try and compete with the new competition?and practical advice on what smaller law firms can do and there are a number of questions/discussion points at the end.

For a copy of the document please email?jon.hepburn@legallybetter.co.uk

Related posts:

  1. Alternative Business Structures (ABS) ? High Street and Specialist Firms Grasp the Opportunities
  2. May 25th 2012 ? CoreLegal Seminar Focuses On Business Growth for High Street Law firms
  3. Increasing use of the internet and recommendations when looking for solicitor

Topics: Client feedback ? Law Firm marketing ? Legal News ? Legal Services Act ? Professional opinion ? smaller law firms

Source: http://www.corelegal.net/legallybetter-co-uk-prediction-damage-limitation-required-for-the-high-street-solicitor-brand-in-2013/

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