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What is the Future of the PBX Telephone System?

However, in recent times the introduction of the internet has meant that the traditional PBX has evolved to be data dependent. So what does this hold for our legacy systems?

A changing landscape

With new innovations and developments, VoIP is quickly emerging as the leading communications technology, with traditional premise based solutions sure to become a thing of the past. Many businesses still operate with a premise PBX, but most are switching to hybrids.

Early business communication relied on the phone system as a staple part of any organisation and a primary mode of contact, it was considered secure and reliable. However, now we have hosted and VoIP based systems that have greatly evolved as enterprise class systems, just as reliable ? if not more ? than analogue solutions.

These solutions work in conjunction with the internet, providing more features and channels to better reach customers and deliver value. Market reports predict that hosted phone systems will soon dominate the communications industry. This is partly to do with its cheaper costs that allow small businesses to invest in what was previously considered to be big business technology.

The largest market to take advantage of hosted solutions is the small business sector as service providers are able to offer these phone systems at significantly lower costs. As a hosted PBX system (different to a VoIP/IP based solution) does not require users to purchase and maintain expensive hardware or equipment ? saving costs on electricity, suppliers and support, this makes it a lucrative proposition to any sized organisation.

VoIP and hosted phone systems further offer a significant advantage in the affordability of calls made or received, as the calls are made over a data connection and not via the PSTN. All calls are treated as local calls and work out a lot cheaper, especially if you wish to expand overseas or have a large proportion of international customers/affairs.

What is a PBX Phone System?

PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, which is a private telephone network used within a business. The users of this PBX share a number of outside lines capable of making external phone calls - these phone calls are carried out over the public switched telephone network (PSTN).

There are now three main types of PBX phone systems:

? Traditional PBX/Analogue PBX

Traditional PBX or analogue phone systems exist as a physical exchange box on your company's premises. The overall costs of this type of PBX phone system may seem higher than other systems, but due to scaling and costs calculated per employee the price actually decreases with the number of ports required.

Here, a phone box is used that connects all the on-site phone lines (ISDN lines), the costs are usually higher due to installation, down time, maintenance and support. As traditional PBX systems tend to be more complex and bespoke it requires certified engineers to fix any issues.

Many businesses prefer to operate on traditional PBX phone systems with their own in-house overheads. Usually this is in the form of a comms room that is looked after by your IT team, it also gives you full ownership of the hardware unlike in other PBX solutions.

? Hosted PBX

As telephony has advanced significantly over recent years, the trouble with installing a traditional or analogue PBX system is that it starts losing value as soon as it goes on the wall.

Adding new features to PBX systems requires significant engineering in the central PBX, this can often mean that if you are fast growing and require urgent applications this could be very timely and cause losses for your organisation. With a hosted PBX or ?virtual phone system?, adding new features is as easy as downloading a new plugin for your web browser.

You can still have all of the same benefits of a PBX but your exchange box is located and serviced virtually by the telecoms provider. Hosted PBX phone systems are the best phone systems for small businesses as they do not require an in-house IT team to manage or maintain any hardware.


An IP PBX phone system is what is also known as a VOIP system (Voice over IP) and delivers voice or video over a data connection. It can also interoperate with the traditional PSTN.

The IP PBX will convert the voice in to data and transfer it across the network as packets. Using data networks for voice can significantly reduce the cost of long distance, and international phone calls; and considerably reduce the overheads of traditional line rentals.

An IP PBX solution is also able to switch calls between VoIP and traditional telephones while still offering the same functionality of your traditional PBX phone system. It is different from a hosted or cloud based solution as the IP PBX is owned by the business, just as with a traditional PBX. It can exist as a hardware or software-only solution.

What?s in store?

As Cloud technology gains momentum and continues to acquire market share this will no doubt cause an insurgence in hosted PBX investments. Currently, large call centres are three times more likely to have a Cloud-based solution than medium sized ones, but I suspect that this will soon change.

It?s not just cost savings that are driving people to invest in IP or hosted technology, as modern working environments have also evolved these phone systems fit perfectly into our changed attitudes and approaches to the working day. With options for remote working and mobile working we create an office that does not exist or depend on a physical location.

As our business needs continue to change, so will the technology. It is due to this fact that I feel the presence of the phone system in its physical form will continue to decline, and will not be around in 10-20 years? time.

Elite Telecom offer traditional, VoIP and hosted phone systems to all businesses. For advice on which phone system your organisation will benefit from most, contact us now.

About Ian Roby

Ian is Elite Telecom?s dedicated Corporate Accounts Manager with excellent service delivery management and technical awareness. Ian?s approach to account management and to the team is always positively observed, he is passionate about expanding Elite?s vast portfolio of products and as such has made a huge difference to the way we cater solutions to large businesses.

Visit Ian Roby's Google Plus Page

Source: http://www.elitetele.com/news/read/what-is-the-future-of-the-pbx-telephone-system

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